Gemstone Quartz Crystal Bowls
We are pleased to sell several quality Gemstone Crystal Bowls from our suppliers in the USA. We always have some Gemstone Bowls in stock here. They are obviously more expensive and some are more delicate, especially some translucent bowls from several sources. However, they look beautiful and sound incredible while including gemstone benefits with sound. Mel enjoys the work and efforts used by many Sound Healers using Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls. Creativity Tones sources our Gemstone Bowls from established Singing Bowl Distributors in the U.S.A. Mel has also enjoyed many of Zacciah Blackburn's presentations and videos at Sunreed Instruments over the years.
Get in touch with Alice and Mel if you are looking for a particular Gemstone and a size of bowl that you are looking for and also what tones or pitch you are looking for... We are looking forward here at Creativity Tones to help you find a bowl or bowls that work with you and help you with your intentions in Sound Healing. Plan a visit to see our new stock of gemstone bowls and special offers at Creativity Tones. Alice and Mel offer 30 and 60 minute Sound Healing Sessions at reasonable prices. Individual Sound Healing discussions and plans are very beneficial for setting positive Intentions for your Sound Healing Experience.
We can also work together to choose the Sound Healing Musical Instruments you would like to work with and use.
Make an appointment with Alice & Mel
Hours: Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.