Himalayan Bowls (Tibetan)
Himalayan Singing Bowls, often called Tibetan Singing Bowls are metal bowls from the Himalayan Region. They are hand hammered and made of bronze, which includes a very high percentage of copper (up to 88%) and the rest of the bowl is made up of tin and other local Himalayan metals. They are basically bell material and can be viewed as inverted bells sometimes, especially the smaller ones. The history of these bowls goes back for many centuries and many traditions in the Himalayas. Lots of interesting history to look up and enjoy. Many of these Himalayan Bowls have many tones and natural binaural beats. Sound Journeys with Himalayan Bowls are very unique experiences. Make an appointment and find a bowl to take home with you that plays and works well with you or just have a relaxing Himalayan -Tibetan Bowl Experience with Sound Healing, here at Creativity Tones.
Prices of Himalayan Bowls vary with size and quality with Himalayan Bowls and also if they are antique bowls. We're planning on bringing in a few other types of metal bowls in our orders with suppliers. They will be cast and not hand made in Nepal. They will be more cost effective for some experiences.
And definitely, feel free to make an appointment here at Creativity Tones to try out some Himalayan Bowls yourself. The smaller bowls are easy to take along with you and use almost anywhere. Try a unique Sound Exploration or Sound Healing Session at Creativity Tones and hear and see what you like. You can sign up and make an appointment for a Himalayan Sound Experience or Sound Healing Session for 30-60 minutes here at Creativity Tones. And maybe try playing a few bowls yourself and learn with us.
Email, text, or phone: creativitytones@gmail.com 250-650-3074
(Hours: Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.)